Chem. Phys. Lett. 806, 140051 (2022)

DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2022.140051 (OpenAccess)

The reciprocal SN2 and SE2 reactions of ammonia borane

The reactions here explored are microscopic analogs of Newton cradle: left thing attack, right thing leaves and central thing remains unaffected. We have studied symmetric SX2 reactions, X  = N or E, where the attacking and leaving molecules are the same: H3N, H3B, H3C(–) and the central molecules are H3B (SN2@B), H3N (SE2) or H3C (SN2@C). Non-symmetric reactions with different initial and final complexes were also studied and examples where the elements of the lateral molecules differ, P vs N.

Graphical Abstract designed by Iñigo Irribarren